poison5 poison2 poison3 poison6 poison8 poison9 poison13 poison 9 poison open 3 poison
poison5 poison2 poison3 poison6 poison8 poison9 poison13 poison 9 poison open 3 poison

Poison Ring


Poison ring with rutilated quartz. You can lock anything precious to you (and small) into it.

Materials: Silver 925 and rutilated Quartz

Size: 21 (Dutch) 66 (French)

1 in stock


Inspired by the Senegalese poison rings I discovered througout traveling, this ring can hold anything you’d like inside. (The original ones are made for little prayers written on a piece of paper.)

The lid is attached to the ring with a tiny hinge. You can close the lid with the little clasp on the other side.
Adorned with an oval rutilated quartz, this statement ring is truely one of a kind.
I cannot reproduce this one exactly but if desired I can make such a ring with a different gemstone. Let me know if interested.

This ring was crafted by me in my studio in Rotterdam and made from recycled silver.